Aligning with the Essence of Divine Beings

Aligning with the Essence of Divine Beings

Aligning with the Essence of Divine Beings

Creating Divine Energetic Activation

  • Just by fastening our attention upon any of the Divine Being’s /Ascended
    Master Portraits for a few minutes, we align our consciousness to the
    consciousness of that Being.
  • Do not acquire a Divine Being’s picture because you like Their image.
  • Acquire an Ascended Master’s image because you have come to understand
    that image gives you an opportunity to fasten your attention upon a Master’s
    Portrait so that within seconds you are in touch with the Essence of that
  • Once the Essence of that Master has entered our consciousness, then the
    Blessings and Consciousness of the Master, the Attainment of the Master can
    begin to align with us.
  • Ascended Master Portraits are Activators! In a matter of a few seconds, at the
    most a minute, if we give the Ascended Master Portraits your loving sincere
    attention, this can create Divine Energetic Activation for us.
  • When experiencing Activation, there is a sudden increase of life, of energy, an
    invitation for our consciousness to expand, and produce for each of us a
    pleasant shift, a shift in which we are not the same as a moment before.
  • Put “Ascended Master Pictures” in your search engine and s list of websites
    will come up. Some websites will introduce the Ascended Master”s
    transformation specialties so you can ask for assistance in cultivating specific
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